Education: A journey to a changed life

An education offers a way to a changed life. It is a privilege that is not given without attachments of struggles and hard work. Lucky are those who get it for free and without any barrier, as education for some are something like an impossible dream and a big struggle to freedom.
Ever since the human race starts discovering things to bring changes in their daily life, education has been with us. It is a way of life to less violent world and to more civilized living. Mothers play the role of our first educators and with man’s quest for greatness, formal places for learning or for providing education soon were built with a goal of educating the youth and at bringing positive changes on human race.
Education is responsible in making our present life better. Individuals who valued life and dare to be different used education in bringing great achievements and thus, alleviating people from suffering as well as promoting ways to improved way of life. Great people like Einstein used education to change people’s perspectives and the likes of Gandhi, Stalin and other great minds showed how education could free an individual from poverty as well as from slavery of ignorance.
Education has great influence on human race to aspire for better world. From the discovery of fire to the discovery of life-changing gadgets and technologies, education is the lead key in helping those who are credited for such discoveries. In many instances, great inventors are products of universities offering excellent education. Education plays an important role in honing the skills and creative minds of individuals who excel in learning fields such as in Arts, Science, Philosophy, Social Studies and Humanities.
While some people admit that they’re not able to finish their education, they still look up at education as an important element in achieving success in one’s chosen field. Steve Jobs, creator of Apple’s iPhone and a university dropout has a firm pronouncement of finishing and obtaining an education as it is the only means according to him to free one from slavery of labor. He always encourages young people to place education at the highest priority if they want to change their life and have a better future.
Today, there are many colleges and universities where everyone is welcomed to an education. While getting education in the past is a difficult struggle, there are now plenty of ways to a free education to help one to a changed life. The key is knowing where to look and where to find places that will lead to finding the right school and education. And such journey starts from this time.